Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Food for Thought

We've been running a mile a minute these past few weeks, and I think my brain has been running faster than that.

I am still filtering through all the information and ideas I got from the Maker Faire in San Mateo a couple of weekends ago. I must say I was extremely impressed by the quality, uniqueness and diversity of everything (and everyone) that was there. I have never been to a venue that better captures arts, crafts, science and technology and their symbiotic relationship. This expo did a terrific job of bringing together geeks, innovators, & creatives all into one location. Not to mention it captured the true essence of just how powerful the DIY movement is traveling the globe, while appealing to people of all ages.

This faire has sparked many new ideas for me. Some of which involve trying new things, experimenting with new items and using as many recycled / reclaimed products as possible. (Now I just need to find the time to actually sit down and get started ;)).

Although in the "big picture" it made me think about how society and our educational system approach science and technology. Why don't we do a better job of infusing the arts into these programs? Why do you have to choose to go either the highly-academic route or the liberal arts route when in college? There has to be a better way to keep our minds curious, urging us to learn more and explore new topics and overcome boundaries.

I recognize I could write much more than just a blog post about this topic, but it's something that has been on my mind a lot. Yes, some of it may have to do with the current economic state - especially here in Michigan - but I really think it's time to start thinking outside of the box.

Students should be able to learn about technology while being able to dissect a mother board and make artwork from it. Adults should be able to experiment and dabble into topics and subjects that don't appear on their resumes.

Now more than ever - it is time to be creative. It's time to share ideas and ride the creative energy wave.

Hope there are lots of people on board.

1 comment:

  1. Well said! I look forward to seeing these new ideas :)
