Thursday, June 3, 2010

30 Days of Creativity - Day 3: Photo mosaic


Day 3: Photo mosaic
This mosaic looks better in the larger size.

I have been putting off working on this mosaic for far too long. This project is not over yet, but I at least wanted to get a start on it. I am making a point to photograph fire hydrants in the cities that I visit. Someday I hope to have a poster size of all the different colors and designs.

I've been amazed by just how many non-red fire hydrants are on the streets. Now that you are reading this, you'll start to notice it too. If you see any cool ones - send me the photos. :)

See how cool I look taking these photos? For awhile I tried to not get my feet in the picture, but then I decided that they added character and charm. And for me that is part of what makes photography such a fun hobby -- you get to make the rules up as you go.

So, I've got a little trivia challenge for this post. Can you tell me where these hydrants are from? I can tell you they are from our trip down south this spring. I can also tell you the cities: Memphis, Nashville, Louisville and St. Louis. Now... you tell me if you can guess which ones are from which places. If you guess all six right, there may even be a prize involved, so tuned for that.

[Note: Big Huge Labs has an awesome mosaic maker. I always use it when I want to make one, and I love that it can link right up to your Flickr account. Enjoy the tip!]

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